[love] some unlikely reflections + associations that bring me back to my roots

When I was very young (we’re talking, like, elementary school), I remember one of my teachers complimenting me, saying that I had “more creativity in one pinkie than [she had] in her entire body.” Well, while that doesn’t actually make any sense because every human being on Earth has the ability and propensity to be creative — and we all create our realities through the actions we take every single day — it does point out that some people are a little more in touch with the special spark of creativity within themselves. I feel that in many…

[rant] Express corporate copywriter doesn’t deserve his job

Remember what I said about grammar errors being a telltale sign of a small company? I sincerely cannot even believe this happened, but Express — the national clothing chain, one I’ve frequented since I was 12 — sent me this e-mail this morning. The critique has nothing to do with their new points/rewards program. The fact that a huge national brand has a copywriter who was  either unskilled enough to not know the difference between your and you’re or was too “n00bish” to not proofread is just about unforgivable. A small…

[love] why facebook rules

It’s a shame WordPress isn’t much like Tumblr or Pinterest, in that it is kind of involved to post anything (still learning!) and I can’t just pin stuff whenever I feel like. But I loved this meme too much to ignore it — and this is why I love Facebook. (For a more extensive post on the subject I wrote a little while back, go here.) Don’t you think this is exactly in line with my “love over fear” theme? I curate my newsfeed very intentionally to ensure that…

marie forleo’s b-school scholarship contest

It’s been a long time since my last post on this blog! I haven’t fallen off the face of the planet; if you miss me, try my other blog, Rehab Revolution, and most likely I’ll have posted something more recently there. I’d be doing myself a huge disservice if I didn’t mention this huge project I’ve been working on since last week. One of my favorite mentors and leaders in business/marketing/life etc. is a phenomenal woman named Marie Forleo. She is amazing and I’ve been following her for quite…

acts of service

I admit it: I can be a finicky customer. Not the demanding, unreasonable kind that causes scenes or unnecessary drama, but one that expects companies to deliver excellent customer service, because that’s what’ll keep me coming back. Since I’ve spent a lot of time living in Europe (Italy especially), and service standards there are very different, I think the experience has made me even more aware of the issue when I’m back home. In American society where clients are also expected to respond to service professions with monetary reward (i.e., tips and future business), we…

the holiday spirit

Christmas Eve covers a whole variety of sins, doesn’t it? Those of us guilty of sloth despite the uninhibited and shameless insanity of Black Friday brace ourselves for possible attacks by others as culpable of the same crime. Viscous traffic that clogs the commercial streets is ubiquitous. There is a tension in the crowds everywhere that might affect even the most Zen of citizens. As I ran errands this morning, I nearly ran over probably four small children by accident — they’re like little gnomes that sneak up behind you as you obliviously slide into your car and begin…