I’ve decided to extend Wealth Week into Wealth Month — how convenient that we’ve just begun a fresh new month! Coincidentally, November is my birth month, and I definitely feel my financial story looking up! (Overwhelmingly, November is also NaNoWriMo — National Novel Writing Month — so I’ve got tons to write these days.)
I’ve taken a few days off from writing because I’ve begun customer service training at a portrait photography studio. This should take place on weekends during the day (Fridays and Saturdays), with the exception of this week as my boss is shooting a wedding, and Anthony and I are going to Los Angeles for the stock trading seminar by the folks who put on the Millionaire Mind Intensive. Pardon my sudden radio silence, which was mostly due to the sudden influx of work . . . holiday season is indeed upon us! Part two of the spirituality/money conflict will be released shortly.
In other news, as tax laws have recently changed, I plan to form an LLC; it’ll be an umbrella company that encompasses both my Premier jewelry business, my freelance writing, as well as this customer service position at the studio. As of now, the LLC’s services will include marketing (writing, photography, social media) and customer service. I still have to meet with the CPAs I’m considering for taxes, so stay tuned for more details.
Speaking of taxes, Tony Robbins advises that in order to become financially successful, we must become intimately familiar with the tax system. Granted, it is very difficult to keep up with as a non-accountant, but you could potentially be cheating yourself every year by overpaying in taxes simply because you didn’t understand the rules.
I’m on my way to Los Angeles tomorrow morning, so I’ve got to run for now — wanted to check in so you knew I didn’t disappear. The day before a flight is always unchained chaos, so be very impressed I was able to post this. 😉
Catch you on the flipside!
Onwards and upwards,
Howdy, everyone! My personal trainer posted this Lifehack.org article to Facebook today, and I…
If you’ve talked to me within the last three months, most likely I’ve…
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